"I've bought more shoes than a fox could wear in 9 lifetimes," Jools thought as she tried a different shoe on each foot to test their comfort level and padded to the kitchen.
Foxes, Jools knew, had 9 lives - like cats, of which she was very fond. Not to eat, of course, Jools quickly added to herself, in a smooth segue to thoughts of a snack...her never ending quest.
"Hmm, same colour..." she licked the chocolate cream off a Kingston biscuit, reflecting fondly on the smooth, dark skin of the lovely young doctor who tended her winky eye earlier that day. The winky eye was a bit of a worry - Jools didn't want some boy-fox in France thinking she was flirting! Or did she..?? Hmm, maybe there was a silver liner...er, lining.
I remember there was something I had to do about a liner... Jools mused. She often seemed muddle-headed, as her thoughts went round and round - a bit like a washing machine, someone once joked. Hmm...obviously the joker was unaware of the fox's sharp sense of self and propensity for bearing grudges, but Jools just swished her tail and bared her teeth.
Ah yes, that's right ... she was contemplating sending the foxy car southbound on the high sea. Cat and Woo had mentioned something about a pea-green boat, which sounded much more appealing than the steely-looking vessel Jools had spied at the wharves. But Jools, as always, had left her planning to the 11th hour and all pea-green boats were fully booked.
Then there was the mysterious disappearance of the modern equivalent of sealing-wax, broad strips of sticky tape, which Jools had hoarded for many years to secure her boxes of wordly treasures, bound for exciting new horizons....or a little burrow in Springwood, depending on the job market.
Either way, Jools would be happy because the Great Overseas Travel Adventure was due to start in just 14 more sleeps.
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